Yessim Khan Mausoleum
Cultural heritage
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South Kazakhstan Region

In the territory of a medieval Turkestan necropolis, in 12 m to the south from the western minaret of Ahmed Yassavi. The mausoleum has remained only in ruins. As a tomb of the Khan Esim (I have died in 1628) - the large political figure of Kazakhstan of the period of the late Middle Ages, the mausoleum is localized conditionally on the basis of written sources and instructions of local informants.

Architectural and archaeological inspection of the mausoleum also allows to date construction of 17 century. Her destruction, apparently, has happened at the end of 18 - the beginning of 19 centuries. From the middle of 19 century, the monument was already buried under walls of the Kokand fortress.

The mausoleum represents small construction with the square room in the plan. The main facade is solved in the form of the portal. Facades have been revetted with glazed tiles in the form of the geometrical ornaments which have remained in a portal part at the monument basis. It isn't possible to reconstruct a form of overlapping of the mausoleum in connection with his big destructions. In a southeast wall, the entrance to a crypt has remained.

The crypt represents, apparently, the similarity of the top part of the mausoleum: 4 lancet arches support the flat arch. A floor is covered by a square brick. Plaster traces on walls and a dome of a crypt aren't revealed. Constructive methods of the remained part of the mausoleum reflect the widespread scheme the grave constructions in the region. The large supply of durability of walls width to 1,2m, at quite a modest amount of construction, allows assuming existence of a powerful covering of a tent or dome form.

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