The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Cultural heritage
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North Kazakhstan Region

The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is located in the foothill town of Petropavlovsk. The present building of the Cathedral, it is the most modern of located on this site of several temples, which were built at different times under the same name. The temple is on the rise and has become dominant in the architecture of the surrounding area.

First Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul was founded in 1766 as a garrison Church of Peter and Paul fortress - the predecessor of the city.It was a small wooden Church, which by the early nineteenth century ceased to satisfy the needs of a growing city. From 1936 to 1841 in its place was erected a new stone Cathedral, which at the time of construction was the most beautiful building in the city.

In 1938 the Church was beheaded and his property plundered. In the former premises of the Church in the years of the great Patriotic war was located workshops and warehouses. In 1946 the Church was restored and returned to the believers. Currently, the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul restored and is a real gem of the city.

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Cultural heritage

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Cultural heritage

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Cultural heritage

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Cultural heritage

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Cultural heritage

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Cultural heritage

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