Mausoleum of Baydibek Karashauly
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South Kazakhstan Region

Baydibek Karashauly (dates of birth and death are unknown) lived in the 11-12th centuries in the neighborhood of East Karatau, died in present Algabas district, near Aktas stud and buried on the river bank of Balabogen. The tomb established still in the ancient time with a dome remained.
In a basis of historical data on Baydibek's life, about his time and an environment family trees of the Kazakh people, a legend and the stories which remained in the people and also written sources of the famous researchers of the East, scientists-ethnographers N. Aristov, Sh. Valikhanov is put.

Follows from these data that Baydibek is an ancestor of the tribes of Alban, Suan, Dulat, Saryuysun, Shapyrashty, Ysty, Oshakty, forming the ancient patrimonial consolidation Uysun. In due time he integrated nomad tribes, lifted on the protection of the earth and the people against enemy invasions. He is a large historic figure, the wise commander.

Follows from genealogical data that the Kazakh people are formed of 3 great associations: Bayshore, Zhanshora, Karashora (according to other data of Akarys, Bekarys, Zhanarys).
Baydibek is the eldest son of Karashy who is considered son of Aksakal, the last – the son of Uysun who, in turn, is Bakhtiar's son, and that comes from Mayky (it had many descendants), and that – from Bayshora.

From the senior wife of Baydibek, Sary, Saryuysun, from the second wife Zerip – Zhalmanbet was born, his sons were Shapyrashty, Oshakty, Ysty.
The largest branch of a dynasty of Baydibek – posterity of the younger wife of Nurila known in these edges under the name of "Domalak Yene". From her only son Zharykshak, there are children Alban, Suan, Dulat.

In works by the talented son of the Kazakh people Shokan Valikhanov, we find thoughts of a big role which was played by Alban, Suan, Dulat among the Kazakh tribes wandering in the Zhetysu regions in scientific works and traveling notes of the famous scientist, the large ethnographer N.A. Aristov who made a trip to these edges in the 2nd half of the 19th century.

In ancient times enemies took away many thousands of horses at the tribes wandering along Karatau. In a pursuit which was organized and headed by Baydibek with him, there were six sons from the senior wife Sara. On the road when he together with soldiers reached a zhaylau in mountains, in the town of Aktobe the younger wife, Nurila (Domalak Yene) who lived at the spring with the son Zharykshak there addressed him: "Bayeke, if you want to return the cattle, do not work in vain. The Savrasy stallion remained with me". And in six days all herd will return back, horses will not give themselves to steal, – and pointed to the obstinate stallion who was not knowing a bridle. – How this stallion remained with you? – Bai asked. – Enemy batyrs asked for me to enjoy the water. 

I gave them waters from the spring. Then they asked me what I wish for them in exchange. I told: "Give, I will choose one horse". "Let will be your way", – the batter told. Nurila, having removed a corbel, I approached herd and I told: "A moss, a moss, approach me an animal". 

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