West Kazakhstan Regional Kazakh Drama Theatre
Cultural heritage
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West Kazakhstan Region

West Kazakhstan regional Kazakh Drama Theatre was launched on 16 December 1993 with the tragedy "Karagoz" by M.Auezov. During the opening and organization of the theatre provided a lot of work. The creative part of the team was collected over Kazakhstan. Repertory of the theatre laid by authors of the first productions, directors Zhambylbek Essenbekov and Elken Zhylkyshinov from Arkalyk. The first director and actor Amantay Sultangaliyev and National Artist of Kazakhstan Gulnar Zhakupova were invited from Atyrau.

The invitation for working in the new theatre willingly was responded by graduates Kayypbergen and Shaharbanu Esenkulovs (from Zhezkazgan) of the most prestigious theatrical school named after Shepkina in Moscow.

The founders of the Kazakh Drama Theatre were also Murat Akhmanov and Hazima Nugmanova, who worked as actors in Taldykorgan. M. Akhmanov worked as a director in Uralsk. After six months of his arrival, he became a chief director. The repertoire has many plays. Among them are large performances as "Mahambet", "Kurmangazy", "Ant", "Syrym Batyr", "Korkyt". Each season of the Kazakh Drama Theatre opens with the play "Mahambet". Director Murat Akhmanov is known in the Republic with his own unique style.

Young and budding Boranbay Moldabaev, Zhankeldy Tlekkabylov Ainur Tlebaldieva (Zhuginisova) arrived to Uralsk from Almaty. At that time Myktybay Zhylybaev from Kyzylorda, Temirbolat Esengaliev from Shymkent, Sailau Sembayev and Satkali Auelbaev from Atyrau worked in the theatre. Also found talents from local region. They are Telman Imashev, Gulbarshyn Abisheva, Musagali Bektenov, Bibigul Isalieva and Baktygul Jakypova, who were first theatre actors.

Then, a large group of the first graduates from the local university were joined to the theatre's staff, who graduated from the acting-director's faculty and students of Murat Akhmanov and Gulnar Jakypova.

The theatre celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2013. It is still young, but already has well-established and venerable staff over the years. The theatre had a lot of successful performances at international and national festivals. The theatre has more than forty actors today. The repertoire has more than 100 performances. Children's theatre work in the theatre and its repertoire has more than 20 plays. The theater was twice the laureate of the Republican contest theaters. In 2005, theatre participated in the 17th Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatres.


The most significant event in the life of the theatre was in 2002, when theatre received new building. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev attended at the opening of the theatre on 11 September 2002.

The new building of the theater was built in Uralsk on the framework of social programs Karachaganak Integrated Organization. The amount of investment in the construction of the Kazakh Drama Theater was about $ 10 million.

It was the first theatre, which was built in independent Kazakhstan. The building project unities together the national motif and modern architectural direction. The main auditorium of the Kazakh Drama Theatre is for 280 audiences. There are two rehearsal halls, a hall for social events, a VIP lounge, a shop for the manufacture of scenery, modern tone studio and other numerous ancillary facilities.

The theater's repertoire is rich and different. It shows 6-7 new planned productions every year, among them are performances such as "Kurmangazy" by Hamit Ergalieva, "Mahambet" and "Korkyt" by Iran Gayyp, "Sogystyn Songy zhyly" by Zhumeken Nazhmedinov, "Uzilgen besik zhyry " by Ermek Amanshaev and others.

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